JSC Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant
By combining our intelligence, experience and expertise to continually improve what we have and create something new, to take care of what surrounds us!

Forum of oil refiners

   Research and Practice conference, held on the 26th of August, confirmed the leading position of industrial Sterlitamak in developing of innovative technologies  in petrochemical branch of Russia. The conference: «Neodymic rubbers, phenolic antioxidants -  present and future”, was organized by JSC “Synthez-Kauchuk” and “Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant”.

   Representatives of more than 17 Russian companies, 7 companies from CIS countries and twenty foreign companies came to the forum which became a discussion platform for a wide range of experts of scientific research institutes, industrial enterprises, partners and consumers of tyre and rubber industries.
The conference was held in a format of plenary session, «round table discussions», including informal (cultural) part: visiting of a factory museum, excursion around the city.

   The main topic of the event was discussion of market conditions, tendencies and forecasts of development of market of neodymic rubbers SKI-5 (SKI-3N)  and antioxidants Agidol-2, Agidol-110.

   Fifteen reports with demonstration of slides have been presented during the conference, «round tables» which work can be commented the following way: consumers are intended to cooperate with Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant further on. Partners look to new types of antioxidants, neodymic rubbers.

   Opinions and responses directed to the address of heads of Petrochemical companies testify the actuality and timeliness of this forum: «Remarkable conference! There was an exchange of opinions of scientists, industrialists, consumers; new developments and  directions were shown. Besides unique possibility to learn a problem and orientations of development of industry from scientists and production workers, it was very useful to get acquainted with participants of all process – from technical experts of the enterprise to businessmen. It would be desirable to note high level of the organization of the event, its dynamism, its optimum format».

JSC “Synthez-Kauchuk”

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