JSC Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant
By combining our intelligence, experience and expertise to continually improve what we have and create something new, to take care of what surrounds us!

Amazing turns of "First Flight" with using AVGAS 100L

On May 15, 2021 a unique aviation show took place at the Kubinka airfield near Moscow, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the formation of aerobatic performance demonstrator team “Swifts” and “Russian Knights” As part of the flight program of the event, the First Flight aerobatic team, which included the absolute champions of Russia, Europe and the world in aerobatics, expressed their congratulations.

It is worth noting that the pilots of the First Flight performed stunts in the air using aviation gasoline from JSC ”Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant”, which has been a partner of the aerobatic team since 2020. Thus, JSC “SPP” contributes to the development of small aircraft, the aces of which are happy to demonstrate amazing skills in the air with the support of a petrochemical plant.

“First Flight” is the only Russian professional aerobatic team using piston aircraft. The pilots perform complex sports and artistic elements of aerobatics on airplanes in yellow-red colors: Yak-52, Yak-54, Su-31 in the sky. Low speeds and small turning radii allow the viewer to observe the aircraft, which simultaneously perform spectacular elements in details at a minimum distance.

JSC “Synthez-Kauchuk”

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